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Ceramic Sculptures of Birds

Colorful Bird Sculptures in fired clay, made to order.

Ceramic Bird Sculptures accented with beaks glazed in 24kt. gold on their brilliantly colored bodies, these unique creations will impress  all who view them.  No molds or reproductions are used to create these sculptures of birds in fired ceramic.  Nimble fingers caress the life of these original artworks from solid clay into statues of distinction that will become family heirlooms. Prestigiously perched in home or office, pronouncing your freedom from the conventional "flock." Following are photos of past clay bird sculptures, let us know what style, species or colors are best suited to your taste, and we will create a clay sculpture to your specifications.

              ceramic bird sculpture, multicolored glazes, gold lustred beak

             "His Lofty Perch"

      Ceramic Bird Sculpture

             28x20    $1000

               bird sculpture of fired clay

            Canadian Condor

     Custom Clay Sculpture

              40x20      $2500

                 fantasy bird sculpture in multicolored fired clay

           Maltese Chicken Hawk

            Ceramic Sculpture

                     38"   $2500

               unusual bird sculpture of handmade fired clay

                   Miami Mel

                28x20  $1000

               bird sculpture of fired clay, hundreds of handmade feathers


     Ceramic  Bird Sculpture

                  26"   $1000

               Handmade clay sculpture of fantasy birds

              "Lofty Perch and

                  Miami Mel"

   Ceramic Sculpture of Birds


              ceramic bird sculpture with multicolored glazes

             "Colonel Who...?"          

     14 Kt. Gold Luster beak

                35"   $2800

               penguin sculpture of fired clay


 Clay Sculpture of a Penguin

                ceramic sculpture of fantasy bird

               "Colonel Who...?"

           Ceramic Sculpture


               Multicolored Clay Sculpture of Fantasy Bird, totally handmade

  "Tweety's Uncle"  26"  $2000

                Bird Sculpture embellished with gold and platinum lustres

   "This is my Rock" 12" $500 

    Ceramic Bird Sculpture

   14Kt. Gold & Platinum Luster

                Handmade Ceramic Figure of Fantasy Bird Species

     "The Early Bird"  24"  $1500

     Fired Clay Bird Sculpture

 14Kt.Gold Luster,Beak & Comb

              Clay Sculpture of Fantastical Bird, hundreds of handmade feathers

           "Headstrong Foul"

          Installed Q107 FM

        Radio Station Toronto

           48"x28"     $3000

               close up of head of bird sculpture

              "The Early Bird"

        Clay Bird Sculpture


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email your inquiry/order....[email protected]

Toll free 1 800 231-9814  or  416-964-7229 or 416 993-2977

All artwork � 2014 Magic Mud/Hunter Vaughan

 Reproductions of images and/or finished product is prohibited

�2013 Hunter Vaughan, All Rights Reserved. No images on this site may be used, in any form, without the consent of the artist.